Tuesday, February 03, 2009

why my kitchen is dirty right now...

...and the floor isn't vacuumed.


Marci said...

One of my old roommates posted recently about that article too :-).

Susan said...

My grandmother always said that we have to eat a peck of dirt before we die so we just oughta get started. When Dawn was a toddler, we had a garden at my aunt's house (where my grandmother lived part time). While we were busy hoe-ing, my aunt flipped out because dawn was chewing on a piece of bark. I didn't know what the big deal was...I knew what my grandmother would and did say. What I wasn't ready for was my aunt, who had horses, telling me it was a dried horse patty...is that what dried poo is called? Well, look at Dawn now...healthy as that ol' horse was.

heather said...

HAHAHAHA! Great story, Susan!