Friday, December 12, 2008


I enjoyed reading everyone else's lists of things they were thankful for. I missed the boat for a Thanksgiving post, but I feel like Christmastime is still a good season for being thankful, so here's my short list:

My wonderful, super, fantastic, coolness, remarkable* husband. He works hard, he plays with Anna, he makes me laugh, he's patient with all my craziness, and he thinks I'm pretty.

My adorable and adoring daughter who loves me better than anyone or anything else in the whole world. I know because her whole body wriggles with glee when I enter the room or smile at her.

My Savior and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My faith sustains me through whatever life brings.

Good books.

Friends who talk with me about things other than motherhood (though we always end up on that topic) and let me come over when their house is dirty.

Energetic walks. Long, quiet showers.

Doing crazy dances to make Anna smile.

Anna's smile.

Learning-- --how to cook, --from reading, --to love more, --to let things go, --to be a better friend, --how to mother.

The internet.



Swimming pools.

My mom.

* Thanks Sara for sharing that fun song and awesome new phrase.


Susan said...

excellent list. Today I'm grateful I had 5 kids but am glad they are all on their own and that I have a quiet home today in which to do nothing or something.

rusted sun said...

I'm thankful for your friendship Heather, and I'm so glad that you come over and my house is a mess I am much happier to spend time with you rather than clean.

Rebecca Holt Stay said...

So sweet.
There is nothing like being a mom.
Or having the love of a good man.

BTW, any idea where I can find the lyrics to "Blue Hair?"