Tuesday, November 05, 2013

newport, ri

One of our last trips before we moved was to visit Newport, RI. We went with our friends the Jensens.

Anna and Skye rode with Shelly and Taylor while Levi and Bennett rode with us. They had some crazy boy fun, swapping cars and making weird sounds.

Sam and Taylor watched the kids at a nearby park while Shelly and I visited the Vanderbilts' mansion, The Breakers. It was AMAZING! It's hard to imagine people really living like that, but I can't say I would mind it. 

the view from the veranda

One of the "smaller" homes on the coastline

This is the side of the house. I thought I'd gotten some photos of the grounds, but I guess not. They had all sorts of exotic trees that had been imported when the house was built so they were all large and beautiful.

Afterwards, we got some lunch and then walked along the cliff walk. The kids enjoyed getting a little wet and the scenery was beautiful. All their little legs were helped along by a pack of fruit snacks I'd brought along for bribery purposes. It was yet another beautiful day in New England.


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