Enter the solution to my two greatest fashion conundrums:
the t-let.

What is a t-let, you say? A t-let is like a tank top only it ends just below the bust instead of at the waist. That means that no shirt is ever too low or too wide cut, and I'm never too hot since I don't have all that extra fabric hanging around my middle. Can you imagine the comfort? Where were these when I was pregnant?!
I know, I know. You don't have to tell me. It's your dream come true, too. And now you want to know where to get them.
Well, I'll tell you. There are two great sources for t-lets. The first, is Getti's Accessories which is started by two brilliant women who had this amazing idea and brought it to life. This is where I buy my t-lets. They have great prices and very personal service. I ordered three (the more you buy, the more you save, and even if you don't wear them every day like I do, 3 for $30 is a steal) and they came in just a few days. When I had a question about their website, they contacted me personally in response.
The second place you can get a t-let is from me. I have a white, straight-neck style t-let in a medium, that I am going to give away to one of the seven people who read my blog regularly.
Wait, did you catch that? I'm doing my very first giveaway! I'm a real blogger!
Here's what you need to do to win. First, check out the Getti's Accessories website. Second, come back here and leave a comment telling me which style of t-let you like the most. Third, describe this Hot new product using an adjective that begins with the same first letter of your first name. I'll pick a winner on September 30.
In the mean time, if you'd like to get some more t-lets in other styles and colors, be sure to enter my name (Heather Cosby) in the spot where it asks who referred you. If you do that, I win free merchandise, which I might just feel inclined to pass right back along to you in future giveaways! Especially if it's a headband-- they look funky on my head, but I'm sure they'd look fabulous on you.
So check it out, get your creative adjective juices flowing, and discover the Hoopla-worthy* t-let!

*yes- that was a stretch
5 hours later....
I really went brain-dead on H adjectives, but Sam and I did a little stormin' session and came up with
Helluva good
Hybrid ("That means 'good' now" -Sam)
Hip- how did I not think of that one?!
The white scoop neck t-let is Magical.
I'm actually not interested in winning a t-let, but they do seem Simply Smart and Sensible.
Also, I wanted to make sure you know that I read your blog regularly. That is all.
Of course I read your blog regularly. I also think the t-lets sounds nice for breastfeeding too.
It's Kind of you to offer these Keen products even though they're not Kaleidoscopic or even Kelly Green.
BTW - I like the scoop neck or the crop top
I am not sure I'd fit into a med but since I am losing weight, I might. Besides, I like the idea of a snug fitting t-let. So I'm in for the contest. There's nothing better than blogcandy.
Satisfying (since they make you sexy without skin...is that too many Ss?)
Smooth...definitly smooth
OK Pick me. Pick me. Pick me. PS...I always add that to the blogcandy giveaways I enter but thanx
What a marvelous, magnificent, modern idea. Thanks for helping me stay up-to-date on the latest fashion. Love it!
I, too, can't use your medium. Someone was telling me about these recently... oh, that's right, it was your mom.... great idea... and the pictures help.
I propose that plenty in purple would be pretty plausible in a pre-spring wardrobe.
BTW I am a regular reader of your blog. 1. gremhog, 2 and 3 Heather and Karen. On a really bloggy day there's quite a list I lurk in...
I am also a regular reader. The straight t-let is awesome, absolutely awe-inspiring. I think I would look like an amazing all-star.
Which reminds me of a funny story; I should relate it to you sometime, that ends in the phrase, "Don't you think Ben would love me in this?"
I'm a fan of the crop top! What an Amazing idea!!! I am sure they would help my wardrobe look Adroable!
The straight neck and the crop top are killer (especially for breastfeeding)!! And btw I really enjoy your blog! :)
~Kirsten 'Jarvis' Cook
PS-They also kick butt!! :)
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