Saturday, December 03, 2011

a complaint and a confession

The Complaint
I really love Christmas time, and I love being involved in the parties and the music. But I do not like it when people ask me to sing or play or plan (all of which I consider talents) with very little notice. Just because I am good at something in general does not mean I am good at them when I'm rushed.

The Confession
There's a perfectly lovely woman I know who is generally admired by all know her. When I first met her though, she told me she only liked bacon cooked in an oven since it came out in nice, straight, evenly cooked strips. I told her I had to disagree and that I only ever cooked bacon in a frying pan. Then she told me she was a bit of bacon snob, and that's why she baked her bacon. I haven't really liked her since.


Marci said...

This made me laugh :-)! And I bought the book Half the Moon but haven't started yet. Thanks for the recommendation! Our bookclub meeting last week was Children's books and I left with lots of new ones to check out. One you should definitely look into (and that I got on amazon for pretty cheap for Addie for Christmas) is Press Here...

Rachel said...

Who cooks bacon in the oven?

heather said...

Marci- I just started Half the Sky this week. I think you'll appreciate it. Have a box of tissues handy...

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Oh no she didn't!!!!! :)