Wednesday, June 08, 2011

this month is such a special one

Happy Birthday Sam!

Sam's birthday was two days ago. It was pretty low key considering he started school last week and it's a long commute to and from Cambridge. But I did adapt this Ogden Nash poem for him to demonstrate my enormous confidence in his abilities. We love you, Sam!

The Adventures of Samuel

Samuel once worked for giant Dow.
He barely survived, though I don’t know how.
The meetings were long. The meetings were boring.
One boss was self-serving, another: snoring.
They wiffled and waffled over where to move him;
They refused a raise despite reviews to prove him.
Samuel, Samuel didn’t worry.
Samuel didn’t scream or scurry.
He did his work while he quietly plotted
To come back in two years with Dow utterly besotted.

An MIT schooling can be rather haunting
But Samuel scarcely found it daunting.
Arbitage, dividends, contingent immunization,
Funding risk, principal, negative amortization!
With speed and with fury the jargon was flung
While to b-school glossaries peers desperately clung.
Samuel, Samuel didn’t worry.
Samuel didn’t scream or scurry.
Of grace and self-bearing Sam is quite the possessor.
He picked up the chalk and taught the professor.

But the most frightening force brave Samuel met
Was Anna and Levi—a terrible set!
When with rage or hunger they weren’t loudly crying
They giggled and squiggled with vigor undying.
“Daddy-cabaddy!” Anna shouted, “Let’s spin!”
While Levi pounded a deafening din.
Samuel, Samuel didn’t worry.
Samuel didn’t scream or scurry.
He kept his wits and he kept his head
And he read those children to sleep in their beds.

1 comment:

rusted sun said...

I love the poem. Happy Birthday Sam!