1) We're having a baby. It's due April 26th.
2) "It" is a boy, which is what we both wanted. So we're really happy.
3) We're moving to Reading, England sometime during the first quarter of 2010.
Sam is in Reading now which is why I'm blogging at 10 PM. We miss him a whole lot and hope the move happens sooner rather than later so that a) we can be together rather than apart and b) I can find a midwife/OB before the baby decides to show up. In the mean time, rather than share all the details about all the things I don't know about (names for the baby, where we'll live, when we'll leave, how long we'll be there, what we're doing with all our stuff) here are a few of the cute pictures my sister-in-law Anna took of us over Thanksgiving break on a super windy day with a super wiggly little girl.

NO WAY!! CONGRATS to all of the above! I am so excited for you!!! Good luck figuring out all the details and getting ready for everything. So exciting!!!!
Great news, you guys! Congratulations. I can't wait to get more dirt...
Best of luck with everything
That's so exciting! Congrats on both the baby and Sam getting the position in England. I had been looking at your blog for updates about that, so I'm excited for you guys that it worked out.
Wow! Back to England! That's so exciting! Your pictures are adorable and congratulations on the little boy :).
Hooray hooray hooray! We are very excited for you. Living abroad is one of my dreams/goals and I envy you immensely. Hope all goes well with these huge changes.
WHAAAAAAAA!?!?! Heather, I am your brother. Can I not hear about something like ENGLAND from your own mouth?
Oh, well, at least I heard first-hand about the baby. :P
Love the pics!
WHOO HOO! Life is good! Congrats on everything. That is so wonderful that you're going to England. And your son will be a Brit, how about that??!
Cute pics of Anna too!
Adorable pictures.
Congrats on the baby!! I'm disappointed it's name can't be Sara. Saras make great younger sisters to Annas hahah.
And I am IMMENSELY jealous that you are moving back to England. Yayyyy!
I get to help when the baby comes. That means I HAVE to go back to England too!!!
Thank you, Dow!
BTW, GREAT pictures.
Oh my goodness, really??? Wow. You've got a lot going on right now! I hope you're hanging in there ok without Sam-- that must be hard.
I'm trying to remember what it was you did in London for a while, but I do remember you loving it. How cool that you'll get to live there for a while. You'd better come home with an English-accent-talking baby boy. I can't imagine anything cuter. Congratulations and good luck. Do keep us posted!
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