Once Anna has on her shoes (s/sh-eu) she heads to the door and says some combination of "Walk! (wah-K) Out! (aht) or Bye Bye!"

Then she opens the door...

...and goes outside. She always turns right, towards the playground, and never left, towards the car (kah).

When she gets to the steps, she waits...

...and Mama helps her down.

She toddles happily, arms waving.

Usually she's so excited, she goes too fast and falls...

...but she just gets right back up.

She crosses the brick patio...

...and climbs over the pipe...

...to get to the swings!

After she's all done (ah dah! --accompanied by a "you're out!" motion) on the swings, we head to the mail room. Along the way, she examines the local flora.

At the mailroom, Anna likes to climb out the door...

...and back in.

Sometimes it's a tight squeeze.

After one more stop at the bushes...

...my little explorer is worn out! Time for Mama to carry her home!

Ha ha, so cute! Love the pictures and the story. Maybe you could bind it into her very own little book.
I can't believe how big she has gotten! What a beautiful girl you have!!
Just adorable. I like the little flower on the back of the pants. I don't remember the pipe: is it new?
Anna's hair just keeps getting prettier. Thanks!
oh 2 b able 2 sqeeze thru those rails. so cute. hate it that i'll only see you all thru blog. no one 2 visit in OH but you r always welcome here
Love this post! It's like a book. You could put it together and let Anna read it. She'd love it I'm sure. Anna is growing so fast! She is so pretty. I still say you are a very lucky family.
Wow, is Anna a big girl. When did that happen? She is soooooooooooo cute! :D
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